Oct 31, 2021

Chart Industries and Kathairos Solutions: Cryogenic Partners for Clean Tech Success

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Kathairos has emerged as the leading North American solution for methane elimination from pneumatics, with more than 1,000 systems in operation across North America and over 40 major oil and gas producer partners.

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Kathairos Solutions is extremely honoured to announce our corporate partnership with Chart Industries – global leaders in the manufacturing of engineered technologies for use in clean energy and sustainability.

The Chart Industries team is comprised of highly skilled engineers with career-long expertise in cryogenic system design, making them uniquely qualified to support Kathairos in providing the energy industry with our patent-pending liquid nitrogen technology.

Kathairos Solutions’ first technology provides oil and gas producers with a simple and seamless way to eliminate methane emissions from remote well sites and production facilities, by using nitrogen to operate remote well site pneumatic devices and process tanks.

Chart Industries has extensive experience in the business of manufacturing cryogenic equipment, and is committed to working exclusively with Kathairos in advancing our technology.

Together, Chart Industries will help us achieve our mission: to assist the oil and gas industry in meeting ambitious methane elimination targets and meaningfully advancing toward their net zero goals.

October 31, 2021

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